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Archive for the tag “loose vagina”

Vagina, how to treat and cure for vaginal

The vagina has its own cleaning mechanism by relying on the normal bacterial colonies that maintain the balance of microorganisms in and around it. The balance can be disrupted if the owner slob.

The use of wet pants or shorts is too tight, for example, can disrupt that balance. In certain circumstances, the vagina does not care enough to clean the outside. The inside also needs to be drained.

There are several ways used to do in treating vaginal V female reproductive organs. Special cleaning fluid used by spray into the vagina. Contains active ingredients that could cripple the bacteria, germs, and fungi.

1. Rinse with cleaning fluid
Special cleaning fluid used by spray into the vagina. Contains active ingredients that could cripple the bacteria, germs, and fungi. This fluid can be used in a few minutes.

Its use must be under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, in addition to the rinse fluids, drugs to overcome the existing problems will also be provided. Not all problems can be solved by this fluid. Most can only be. Will not be able to cope with venereal diseases, especially infectious diseases cercal (PMS).

Laser beam

Laser is needed because the use of germ-killing drugs in the vagina usually takes a long time, especially if drug resistance occurs. The laser used is usually the type of low-level or low level laser therapy. Formulation of the infrared rays of ultra violet clan is capable of clearing bacteria, fungi, and viruses in a relatively quick.

For mild disturbance, shooting is usually done for 15 minutes once. ‘If the interference is severe, it takes tens of minutes with several shots in a few days. Drugs are also frequently given by the doctor after firing the laser.

Read more on Vaginal tightening cream

“In principle, ozone serves as a disinfectant that can kill germs. The goal is to prevent the entry of germs that cause disease,” he said. With a specific time period (depending on the case), ozone is needed to clean the vagina intact.

To be an effective treatment, therapy is usually combined with drugs. However, ozone can not be used to treat sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. And certainly, this therapy should be performed by a physician who specializes in this. If not used properly, put ozone into the female organs will only lead to the proliferation of bacteria that actually harm the vagina.

Evaporation warm
In the rite of traditional body treatments, evaporation is used for warm vagina. However, evaporation is clearly not effective to kill microorganisms.


It uses the evaporation of fragrance ingredients so that the scent of the vagina, but warm. Therefore, this should be done as we use perfume body. There is no reason other than cosmetic reasons. Although evaporation is called as one way of treating the vagina, this step is not to prevent the disease, let alone eliminate the interference.

Guar Vagina
Although not a few who are interested to try it, guar vagina still doubts their effectiveness. Moreover, the deal is clearly not a doctor. This action can make all microorganisms are harmful and that normally would die clan missing from the vagina. As a result, the vagina is disrupted even risky.

Vagina Spa
This method of treatment of female reproductive tool that combines the ancient therapy. There are techniques of curing or evaporation. There are also acupressure massage technique on the entire body and especially the vagina. There is also a meditation or some kind of motion specific to the vaginal Kegel.

Some therapies are safe enough. “True spa therapy commonly used in health care, only this time. Specially applied to the vagina alone,” said Hj. Harry Worro Soeharman, M. Ph, MKA, initiator V-spa therapy.

Natural Home Remedies and Treatment for Vagina Tighter After Pregnancy

There are a number of women in the world who suffer from vaginal loosening, mainly due to aging or after going through pregnancy. Most of these women learn to live with a vagina loose as they think surgery is the only way through which you can tighten the vagina once more and that is a very expensive procedure. In this article we will find alternative methods of tightening a loose vagina and improve your sex life in general.

Kegel Exercises
These exercises are named after Dr. Kegel, who discovered them. Kegel exercises are mainly concentrated in the area of pelvic floor and are responsible for the expansion and contraction of the pelvic muscles making them more stringent and stronger in the process of the vagina becomes stiffer automatically improving the pleasure of penetration .

Vagina Tightening Cream

In the recent past vagina tightening creams are made from natural herbs have gained popularity and confidence among women. These creams are made from herbs that have rich properties such as skin tightening and manjikani Alor. When these herbal formulations are applied to the vaginal area that make the skin contract thus make the vagina tighter helping it regain its original shape and size. The best of these herbal creams is that apart from making the vagina tighter also help in lubricating the vagina, as well as maintaining vaginal odor at bay.

So if you have a loose vagina there is no need to worry or panic because both of these methods can help you get a tighter vagina permanently and will help revive your sex life once again.

Most men prefer a tight vagina.

The fact is that most men prefer a tight vagina. Of course, women also enjoy a tight vagina. Why both sexes have a tight vagina? The answer is that men may feel a sense of embrace and the movement performed inside the vagina by the vaginal muscles when tight. For a woman, she must be able to feel the penis rubs the inside of your vagina to help improve the quality of orgasm.

If your vagina is giving, then you realize how much work is for you and your partner to orgasm. Virgin With instant, making love is no longer a task but will be a pleasant experience that the two are missing.

There are many reasons why the vagina begins to sag, including age, number of children they have, the number of sexual partners and their overall health. You can rejuvenate the vagina and put on face cream to help with the signs of aging. Her vagina deserves the same treatment. Tighten your vagina and stop the aging process today.

The most magnificent of these herbal lotions possible, the fact that besides producing tighter vagina will also help in lubricating the vagina, as well as retaining vaginal odor at bay.
So if you have a loose vagina really no need to worry or panic because of the fact, both of these methods can easily help you get a tighter vagina permanently and will help revive your sex life all much once again.

Read more on Tight Vagina and Seek Tight Vagina and burning and pain in the vagina

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